Loving Ourselves
All of us, especially as children, need love and support, to be seen and cared about, to be respected and accepted for all of who we are. Though it's rare that any of us got all the messages we needed perfectly, the beauty of the human organism is we can heal old wounds in the present day by parenting ourselves.
Bonnie Singman
8/31/20231 min read

All of us, especially as children, need love and support, to be seen and cared about, to be respected and accepted for all of who we are. Though it's rare that any of us got all the messages we needed perfectly, the beauty of the human organism is we can heal old wounds in the present day. One way to start is focusing all the messages we needed to hear into our heart space, where we hold ourselves as a child, soaking up safety and a secure foundation, and taking in the preciousness of our being. I want to share my image of that in the hopes it may inspire you to connect with the preciousness of your being :) (I created this during a Creative Arts and Body-Mindfulness Group I lead.)

Bonnie Singman, MA, LPC, PSEP